MA5BOT Service

MA5 Bot is intelligent software designed to trade cryptocurrencies, digital currencies, on Binance and OKX

One and only solution you needs for your portfolio

MA5Bot also develops new technologies and innovations to serve as a trading tool. It also offers other interesting features.

100 % on strategy

No longer emotional trading

The MA5 Bot is a cryptocurrency trading bot that issues commands 100% in accordance with various technical strategies or trading algorithms. It can be used by a diverse range of users, allowing them to choose according to their preferences. It is suitable for all market conditions, whether the market is going up, down, or moving sideways, all without the emotions of traders.

100% Security

High security for your funds

The MA5 Bot is a cryptocurrency trading bot that connects to Binance through an API, allowing you to manage your own trades. There is no way for it to make your funds disappear or for anyone to steal money from your portfolio.

100% Up time

No downtime

The MA5 Bot runs on the hi-quality Cloud, utilizing high-performance servers. It can operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without the risk of system downtime.

Most innovation trading technology & interesting features

Technical Futures

Technical strategy trading

Trading futures contracts in the futures market allows for the potential to profit from both upward and downward price movements. Additionally, using leverage in trading can amplify potential profits compared to trading with the original amount of capital. The “โรบอท” (robot) will select trading opportunities to make profits based on the technical indicators of the selected trading strategy.

Auto Rebalance

Algorithm trading

Auto rebalancing is a trading strategy that effectively reduces investment risk while still generating good returns. It helps ensure that you don’t miss investment opportunities at various price levels, even when others are concerned about daily price fluctuations. With auto rebalancing, you can generate daily cash flow.

What clients says about MA5BOT

"The way to use it is very comfortable, and it gives us more time without having to sit in front of the screen all the time. Just set the strategy according to the plan we've laid out."

ไบแง๊นน - Bingaence
ไบแง๊นน - Bingaence

"All in all, I must say #MA5Bot is doing quite well. It allows us to sleep comfortably, without having to constantly watch or worry about the charts. Just open it, check the profits, and you're done. 😄"

ตามๆ กัน crypto - โหรามายด์
ตามๆ กัน crypto - โหรามายด์

"....I've had the opportunity to meet the bot development team and discuss the browser-based bot usage. I even got to chat and exchange perspectives with them. I've tried the Rebalance bot, and it's 'good,' 'comprehensive,' and 'easy to use.' 🤝"

Meawbin Investor
Meawbin Investor

"Creating a cash flow is as easy as investing in a condo for rental. It's user-friendly, simple to set up, and much safer than trading on your own."


"It works perfectly. The trading system is smooth, with a widely accepted trading strategy. You don't have to be glued to the screen, and it helps control emotions. MA5bot really comes in handy!"

I Learn A Lot
I Learn A Lot

"You can trade following the system 100%. Set take profit, stop loss, and trailing stop. It's suitable for people with children and limited screen time."


Get better knowledge & info about MA5BOT

Do you have any further questions, or is there additional information you would like to inquire about? If you need more information, you can contact the MA5 team directly on Line at @ma5bot. Their team is available to answer questions from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM.